5 Things To Do During Your Slow Season


If you are a small business – especially a product shop business – there is a 99% chance that business is slow right now. Amiright?

I dread January & February because I know that the sales slow down. It’s easy to start questioning – what am I doing & why the heck do I even try?

I’m totally there right now.

I get that people start the year off trying to save money – I do it too, but it negatively impacts small businesses like mine.

Even though I know people are being smart with their money, I get to thinking that what I’m making is worthless.

There are ways to combat this kind of thinking. It is necessary to flip your perspective so that the numbers in your bank account are not equating your worth or your success.


1.   Look at the extra time you have not filling orders as a time to reflect on the busy seasons.

What went well during that time? What can be changed? Use this time to make adjustments.

Also, use this time to restock supplies. I’m ALWAYS out of printer ink & tape. Take inventory of things that you will need when business picks up & make sure you are fully stocked & ready.

2.   Create. Be creative. Try something new.

This is pretty self -explanatory. For me – I’ve been painting & working on my design skills.

3.   Brainstorm ways that you CAN make money during your slow seasons.

Not all people can afford to have slow seasons. It’s definitely not ideal in our household. I'm currently trying to figure what this is for me. 

4. Look at your brand & evaluate if it needs some tweaking. I just did this with my website. It lacked clarity on who I was & what I had to offer. I simplified & refreshed it this last weekend! (I hope you like it!)

I also updated the photos of my work with some newer ones! It’s always good to have your best & most recent work on display!

5. Finally, use this time to learn & invest in yourself. Read some business books, listen to some podcasts, or get a business coach! Take steps in educating yourself to help your business grow. I’m really praying about this right now!

My friend Rachel from @rachelallene offers coaching calls & has amazing resources for business owners! You should for sure check her out! Click here to go to Rachel's services!


P.S. I just launched my Lent Cards6 beautifully designed cards that have 40 simple & easy prompts on the back to guide & prepare your heart during lent.

They are in my shop – as a physical print or you can purchase a download.

They are only $15 and $10 respectively!

They aren’t a devotional, but rather a small task everyday to get your heart in the right place! Click the button below!